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Principal's Message, October 25, 2024

Please take a moment to view this week's Message from our Principal, Episode 15, October 25, 2024:

We also encourage you to subscribe to our EJHS YouTube Channel to ensure you never miss a video update:

Submit Your Veteran for Recognition


Do you have a family member who is currently serving, or has served, in any branch of our U.S. Armed Forces you would like to recognize? Please check your ParentSquare/StudentSquare messages for a link to submit a photo and your veteran's information. All submissions are due by 3:30 pm on Tuesday, November 5, 2024.

We would also like to cordially invite you to attend our Veterans Day Tribute ceremony on Monday, November 11, 2024, at 8:30 am in our EJHS auditorium.

Annual Title I Meeting

Thank you for taking the time to join us for our Annual Title I presentation prior to our Eastside Fall Festival! We are grateful for your support and your dedication to your child's education. By participating in this event, you help strengthen the school-home partnership that is so vital to student success.

The presentation covered our school’s goals, resources, and opportunities available through Title I funding. If you were unable to attend or would like to review the information presented, please review the video provided:   EJHS Annual Title I Presentation.

Parents/Guardians:  To confirm that you have reviewed the Title I information, we ask that you sign off by November 8, 2024 using the form sent to you in ParentSquare. Your acknowledgment helps us meet federal requirements and enables us to continue improving our Title I program for all students.

Thank you again for your partnership and support in making our school a positive and successful learning environment for all!

8th Grade Thanksgiving

Attention EJHS Eighth Grade Parents:

You are invited to join your student(s) for our Thanksgiving meal on Thursday, November 21st at 11:15am. Check your ParentSquare for more information.

RSVP by November 8th using the following link

Eastside Fall Festival Success

The Eastside Fall Festival was a huge success; we had a great turnout! Thank you to all who attended and a huge shoutout to all who helped with the preparations.  It's alway a great day to be an eagle!  Be sure you check our Facebook post for lots of photos of the event.


Overall Winner - EJES Sandlot

Sandlot - EJES | Haunted Bus - SJES  | Inside Out - MES | Jr. Beta - EJMS | Walk the Plank - EJHS Swim

Beta Accolades!

EJHS Beta represented our school well at the recent National Beta Regional Leadership Summit in LaGrange, GA:

~Jack Saucier was chosen from dozens of candidates to be next year's Regional Leadership Ambassador!

~EJ Beta Qualified for Nationals in ALL THREE LEADERSHIP CHALLENGES!!!

  1. Project Proposal: Ahnyx Middlebooks, Bryse Patterson, Emily Bunn, Grecia Avellaneda-Castro
  2. Lead Outside the Box: Cambell Pettus, Leila Huss, Kallie Jones
  3. Collaboration Connection: Jacob Mayhue, Jack Saucier, Brody Farfour, Jordan Welty, Duncan Porter

Annual Beta Door Decorating Contest

Congratulations to Ms. Turco and her class for winning this year’s Beta door decorating competition!

Lady Eagles Basketball and Volleyball Fundraiser

The East Jackson girls basketball and volleyball programs are teaming up with Merk Farms to bring you their first annual Haunted Maze. Come test your bravery against our terrors on October 25 & 26 and November 1 & 2 from dusk till 10pm. See you there!!

Spooky, Smoky Investigation in Science

Students in Mrs. Johnson-Scofield's class investigated the sublimation of dry ice last Friday. Students discovered what happens when hot air is applied, the type of gas given off, what happens when it is submerged in water, what happens when soap is added to the water, and the density of carbon dioxide gas compared to the gas in the classroom.

Eastside Eagles Foundation $10 for the Win

We are launching $10 FOR THE WIN! The Eastside Eagle Foundation is looking for 100 people to donate $10 a month by the end of November!

This will be one AMAZING impact for the Foundation.

FFA Meeting

FFA will have its October meeting on Tuesday, October 29th at 3:30 in the Ag barn at Empower. Come in your Halloween costume and enjoy a pumpkin carving competition and an apple bar. We would love to see you all there!

Fall Testing Dates




Cell Phone Policy

EJHS has a zero tolerance policy regarding cell phones and other non-JCSS digital devices.  Please be sure to review the cell phone policy.


We have moved to ParentSquare as a classroom, school, and district mass communication platform. Families should have received an invitation via the email address associated with your student in the Infinite Campus Parent Portal! Download the ParentSquare app today! (Note:  you must have an active Infinite Campus portal account and be marked as a guardian to connect in ParentSquare).


Scholastic Images

Scholastic Images will be on campus on various days this year to take orders and answer questions. 

Bus Riders from EJHS to Empower

Students opting to ride the bus from EJHS to Empower for morning classes should be sure to arrive on time to catch the AM Empower bus, which leaves our campus promptly at 7:45 each morning. Students who arrive late and miss the bus must report to the media center for a tardy pass.  Students are reminded that multiple tardies result in disciplinary action.

Need Infinite Campus/Canvas Support?

Students and parents in need of Infinite Campus assistance should first try resetting passwords on your own with the help of this video guide:  Reset Your Infinite Campus Password.  If you are unable to change passwords or login, please complete the Infinite Campus Support Form for assistance and check your email within a couple of days for a resolution.

Weekly Updates

EJHS Students and Families:

Our weekly newsletter is now available. Be sure to check our Weekly Announcements page on our website under the "Families & Students" tab for this week's announcements (

Estudiantes y familias de EJHS:

Nuestro boletín semanal ya está disponible. Asegúrese de consultar nuestra página Anuncios semanales en nuestro sitio web en la pestaña "Familias y estudiantes" para ver los anuncios de esta semana (

Bus Rider?

Bus rider information for the 2024-25 school year is now available. Please visit  You can also keep track of your student's location while on the bus with the Here Comes the Bus App.  

Linq Connect for Lunch Account Payments

Pay at LINQ Connect

  • Breakfast costs $1.45 in the elementary schools and $1.55 in the middle and high schools.
  • Lunch costs $2.10 in the elementary schools and $2.60 in the middle and high schools.
  • Adults can eat with their children at $2.75 for breakfast or $3.75 for lunch.

SchoolPay for All Other Payment Transactions

SchoolPay is the only way to complete transactions related to school services, including fundraisers, club dues, and dance tickets this year. We will be limiting cash and check transactions moving forward.
SchoolPay Link:

Play Cards for the Public Library

EJCHS Students:

Did you know your JCSS student ID can be used to sign up for a PLAY CARD with our local public library? PLAY CARDS can be used to access a number of resources and provide other benefits. Please see the attached flyers to learn more!

Contact your media specialist, Renee Chandler, with questions or for more information (


Estudiantes de EJCHS:

¿Sabía que su identificación de estudiante de JCSS se puede utilizar para registrarse para obtener una PLAY CARD en nuestra biblioteca pública local? PLAY CARDS se puede utilizar para acceder a una serie de recursos y proporcionar otros beneficios. ¡Consulte los folletos adjuntos para obtener más información!

Comuníquese con su especialista en medios, Renee Chandler, si tiene preguntas o desea obtener más información (

If you are having trouble viewing the document, you may download the document (English and Spanish).